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What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? A sound collage in the times of pandemic

We live in a world of uncertainty. Fear, pain, financial instability, anger, boredom, creativity, sadness, hope. So many feelings that live through us and within us. Where are we heading to? What is the future? Will all this end someday, eventually? The Covid-19 pandemic has created a new agenda in our everyday life. Media, internet, newspapers, friends’ talks, theories, fictional and realistic scenarios are reaching our eyes and ears every day. But how are we coping with this?

We asked artists, our followers, friends and family to share their voices. Voices that need to be heard. People that feel that they are drowning in their thoughts and want to share their point of view and express their selves loudly. The questions were simple. “What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel?” Each and every one of them has something different to say. Artists that need to work. Sons and daughters that want to hug their parents. Children that want to go to school and play with their friends. Do you see yourself in them?

This artwork will be presented as a soundscape in Syros’ Lazaretta as part of Eye’s Walk Digital Festival’s programme in summer 2021. With this project we want to create a vocal documentation of the situation today. We give a voice to those who live in isolation, while in Lazaretta this possibility did not exist. Today we can all talk about what we are going through and pass it on to future generations. In this way we touch the souls that suffered in the past and unite them with our own present. An intangible cultural heritage of the future that we are making tangible.

Special thanks for their participation to:

Giousouf Emprou  •  Markos Traitorakis  •  Maria Schina  •  Artemis Alkalai  •   Maira Stefou  •  Konstantina Thanasouli  •  Lazaros Tsolaridis  •  Mirto Zeggini  •  Elena Pistolaki  •  Lina Aggelou  •   Dimitra Nellopoulou  •  Vasiliki Soultani  •  Christina Giannaki  •  Dimitris Tsesmelis  •  Kingson Chan  •  Evgenia Grammenou  •    Evgenia Theodoridou  •  Anna Gawecka  •  Danae Patrikarakou
and Lazaros Tsolaridis for the sound project “Isolation”

Curation: Elisavet Papageorgiou

Voices | Project Lazaretta | Project Lazaretta

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