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Alice Karveli 'Reflections of Entanglement' / UK

Reflections of Entanglement is an experimental performance project inspired by Butoh philosophy and dance, created as an aid of alchemical transformation in the psyche, after having faced deep and gruelling challenges of love and loss.

The vision for this project had been gestating long before its creation during the breakout of the pandemic in 2020, but the seclusion and life altering conditions of the lockdown provided fertile ground for deep emotional processing and creating the film in the privacy of the basement of a squatted abandoned building.

One year prior, I had been moved and inspired by the tragic love stories of tuberculosis patients in the Lazaretta from the presentations of 2019’s Eyes Walk festival; how with the possibility of imminent death from the disease, the passion for love and connection was ignited – a form of liberation and escape from the bondage of the diseased body.

Pain however can be a great teacher and through limitation and loss the most profound inner change can happen.
There also lies the power of the energetic imprint of a place like Lazaretta for us today, to draw from and alchemize into the present, honouring those that died and suffered there once.

Alice Karveli – Reflections of Entanglement | Project Lazaretta

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