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Felipe Ivanicska ‘Primeiras Ilhas (‘First Islands’)’ / Brazil

My work approaches the isolation caused by the pandemic as if each person was stranded in their own islands, and sent me the audios about the most significant sounds of their isolations, like messages in a bottle. The piece was edited by Ochenta Studios (with the important help of Clizia Sala) in a way that it sounds like those messages were found floating in the sea. So, to be played on an island, is like it found a good shore to arrive. Also, being in a place with such a history of suffering and oppression, this audio is a way to help healing and transforming the energy of that place.

Producers: Studio Ochenta & Clizia Sala (

Official website:

Official facebook page:

Instagram: @historiasvizinhas

First Islands | Project Lazaretta | Project Lazaretta

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